
Monday, May 19, 2014

CGS Revit Tools: View

"This tool set includes view manipulation tools like setting a cropped region based on selected elements, resizing a section box for 3D views according to different settings a tool for automatic creation of assembly views."

Resize Section Box

"This tool enables users to resize a section box via a user input in dialog box. User can resize box in all directions to get a better look at details. We’ve added a new option to resize section box to the chosen Room or Level."  

 Create Assembly Views

"This tool enables you to quickly generate Assembly Views for selected Assemblies by specifying Views and a Title block. Once you are satisfied with the settings, the tool generates all required views and places them on the Sheets."

 Category Toggle

"The Category Toggle tool enables the user to switch ON and OFF any category in a project (Architecture, Mechanical, Annotation…). A dialogue box offers the ability to select the category then choose to display or hide it in various views. With Category Toggle there is no need to use the Visibility/Graphics dialogue box."

Quick On/Off toggles

"Quick toggles enables you to switch certain Categories on or off in active view (e.g. turn off dimensions in active view)."

Crop Region, Align Viewport on Sheet

"Users can now edit a Crop Region to the current view. This can be created by giving the exact dimension of the crop region or by inputting the offset distance from the selected elements.
The Match Crop Region tool is particularly useful, as the users can match dimensions and positions of a Crop Region from the selected to the current view."

There's more information available on the CGS plus website.

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